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Home » A Flight Attendant’s Guide to Long-Haul Flight Essentials

A Flight Attendant’s Guide to Long-Haul Flight Essentials

There are just some things you can never leave the house without. This rings especially true if you’re traveling — you want to be comfortable and feel like a real human, even when you’re squished next to other people in a metal tube for hours at a time. Over my five years of professional traveling, I’ve gotten packing down to a science. Here is a list of my long-haul flight essentials as a flight attendant!

long-haul flight essentials: airplane wing over a blanket of clouds during sunset

Reusable water bottle

The number one rule of long-haul travel is to STAY 👏 HYDRATED 👏. It’s so much easier to do that when you have your own source of water (plus, you’ll avoid wasting those tiny plastic airplane cups). There are lots of places to fill up your water bottle for free in the airport. Once you’re on-board, just ask a flight attendant. We’d be more than happy to top it off once you’re done.

Nice earplugs

Airplanes are loud. Whether you’re sitting near the whirring engines or near the lavatories or galleys, you’ll want something to drown out the noise. Earplugs are truly a godsend. Eargasm is my favorite brand: you get two pairs of silicone earplugs and a carrying case for about $40. These are also amazing for music festivals or concerts!

A side note: if you’re flying business class, earplugs come in the amenity kit. They’re not the best, though, so I still recommend getting a nice pair that you know will fit comfortably in your ears.


Obviously a long-haul flight essential. Headphones are necessary for listening to music, audiobooks, or movies on the plane. I find that over-the-ear ones are more comfortable for long-haul flights. Combine some earplugs with over-the-ear headphones and you have yourself a recipe for perfect airplane sleep. *chef’s kiss*

If you’re traveling with young children that like to play iPad games, please (pleeeaaseee) have some child-appropriate headphones for them as well. No one wants to listen to hours of repetitive Angry Birds squawking.

If you have wireless headphones, make sure you also bring…

A headphone adapter

This is almost as important as the headphones themselves. A headphone adapter will allow you to plug your wireless headphones into the airplane’s entertainment system. I’ve seen so many people forget this and have to ask for airplane earbuds (with their wireless headphones hanging around their neck dejectedly).

Tampons or a menstrual cup

If you are someone who gets their period, these are essential. I can’t imagine anything worse than unexpected blood on an airplane, so make sure to always have some sort of protection on hand.

Snacks & gum

Because sometimes the quality of airplane food is less than desirable. I always make sure to have some kind of portable, healthy snack in my bag. Some good ideas are granola bars, whole pieces of fruit, or nuts. Make sure that you don’t bring anything too liquidy (or spreadable, like peanut butter) through TSA unless it fits their liquid restrictions.

Gum is great to have to (a.) freshen your breath and (b.) prevent your ears from popping on takeoff and landing.

economy cabin of an airplane at night


Even though a lot of these are provided in business class amenity kits, I like to bring my own. At the bare minimum, I’d suggest bringing a toothbrush and toothpaste, hand lotion, deodorant, and contact solution. If you’ll be in the air for a while, it’s also a good idea to bring some sort of face lotion (Summer Fridays Jet Lag Mask is the bomb).

Portable charger

Rule 2 of long-haul travel: ABC (always be charging). Some older airplanes unfortunately don’t have outlets, so it’s crucial to bring some kind of portable charger. This one from Amazon is amazing — it lasts forever on a single charge and can easily power your laptop a few times over.

Hand sanitizer

This is a very 2020 item, but also one that we should always use when traveling. You can potentially encounter thousands of people (and their germs) at airports and in airplanes. When you’re running from gate to gate, you don’t always have time to wash your hands as often as you should. Carrying your own hand sanitizer is the next best thing.

A pen

Any list of long-haul flight essentials would not be complete without a pen. You’ll need one to fill out any customs and immigration forms you receive on the plane. Having forms filled out before you land saves you time in line and gets you out the door and to your destination quicker. (If you’re nice and lend your pen to your neighbor, make sure they give it back to you!)

A scarf

I like to use scarves as a pillow on the plane — they’re not as bulky as travel pillows and are easier to squish into a comfortable position. If the scarf is big enough, it can also be used as a blanket when you get cold. When you’re walking through the airport, you can either wear it or tie it on to one of your bags. So much more stylish and convenient than a neck pillow!

An eye mask

A lot of the time, I find that certain airlines like to keep the overhead or sidewall lights on throughout the night. Eye masks are something that I never use normally, but I find that they’re super helpful on the plane. The most comfortable one I own has an adjustable strap and a cooling gel cushion for the bit that goes over your eyes.

airport tarmac and mountains in the background

This flight attendant guide to long-haul flight essentials will help you survive any future flight. All of these items fit in your carry-on and are truly must-haves to be more comfortable.

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xoxo Niki

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