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Home » Solo Travel Activities: 14 Ways To Have More Fun On Your Own

Solo Travel Activities: 14 Ways To Have More Fun On Your Own

Don’t let solo travel intimidate you — it can be a blast! In fact, sometimes it’s even more fun to travel alone because you can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Not sure what to do with all that freedom? Here are 10 of the best solo travel activities that will ease you in to exploring a new place on your own.

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solo travel activities: niki hiking the red tarns track at aoraki mount cook national park, new zealand
Red Tarns Track, New Zealand

Best solo travel activities

1. Take a free walking tour

Taking a free walking tour is one of the best ways for solo travellers to start their trip, especially in major cities like Paris or New York City.

First and foremost, they allow you to meet and get to know other like-minded travelers. Walking tours are super casual and the stakes are low — if you make some new friends, great! If not, at least you’ve gotten a chance to explore a new city on foot.

Free walking tours are also a great way to learn more about the history and culture of the place you’re visiting. Many tours are led by knowledgeable and passionate local guides who can provide you with a wealth of information about the area, its landmarks, and its people. This can be a great way to deepen your understanding of the place you’re visiting and to gain a more nuanced and authentic perspective on its culture and history.

2. Wander through a museum

Visiting a museum solo means that you can wander through the exhibits at your own pace without being rushed or pressured by others. Besides being culturally enriching, wandering through a museum is one of the best solo travel activities because it doesn’t feel awkward!

Everyone at a museum is there to do one thing — look at whatever art pieces or exhibits are on display.

Plus, there’s usually plenty of people-watching opportunities if you get bored of looking at the art!

3. Go hiking

Going on a solo hike lets you explore a new and beautiful part of the world while connecting to nature without any distractions.

Solo hikes are a great place to meditate, get some alone time, and enjoy your own company. As an added bonus, you’re getting some exercise and soaking in some spectacular views. Some of the best solo travel destinations are the ones where you can truly experience what it’s like to be alone.

4. Take a cooking class

Trying new foods is one of the best parts of traveling, but sometimes it’s nice to have a home-cooked meal. Cooking classes are a great way to learn about the local cuisine while also meeting new people with similar interests.

If cooking’s not your thing, taking a food tour is another great option. A tour guide takes you around to the best local restaurants and gives you the chance to try lots of different foods at once — a foodie’s dream come true!

5. Book yourself a spa day

Everyone likes to get pampered. A solo spa day is one of the most luxurious and fun things to do when traveling on your own!

Whether it’s getting a massage, trying some geothermal hot pools, or simply getting your nails done, treating yourself to a spa day is always a good time.

6. See your favorite sports team play

A game is the perfect place to meet people with similar interests while transcending any language barriers. Sports fans are notoriously energetic and outgoing (especially when their team is winning!), meaning you’ll interact with a lot of people that can become fast friends.

It’s also an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon or evening if you’re a fan of the team. Seeing your favorite hometown team play in a new destination is a really unique experience!

7. Go shopping

Shopping is usually more fun with friends, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it by yourself! If you’re in need of some retail therapy, take some time to wander around some shops or hit up a local market.

One of the benefits of solo travel is being able to take as much time as you want doing an activity. When you’re shopping, you won’t need to worry about holding anyone up when you try on a bunch of items!

solo travel activities: niki at the blue lagoon, reykjavik, iceland
Blue Lagoon, Iceland

8. Have a pool or beach day

Pools and beaches are some of the best places to relax and unwind during your solo travel adventure. Laying out is the perfect time to read a good book (or mindlessly scroll social media without feeling guilty).

If you’re going to a crowded beach alone, you’ll need to be extra cautious with your belongings when you go to take a dip. Either leave all of your valuables at home or tuck them into a ziplock bag that you can hide under the sand.

9. Bring a book or journal

If you’d rather not be disturbed while out in public on your own, bringing a book or journal is a surefire way to discourage social interaction. (No shame — we all have our days.)

Books and journals give you something to do when you’re at the beach, riding public transport, or eating out alone. They make everything less awkward because you have something else to focus on!

10. Watch a play or a ballet at the theater

Plays and ballets are culturally enriching experiences that also provide great entertainment.

Going to the theater is also a more low-key and relaxing way to spend an evening while traveling. Instead of feeling the need to be constantly on the go or filling every moment with activity, you can sit back and enjoy the performance.

11. Practice your photography

Documenting your travels is a great way to make yourself feel more comfortable while alone because you have the excuse of looking behind the lens!

Just because you’re traveling solo doesn’t mean that you can’t be in any pictures, either. Investing in a solid tripod for your phone or camera is my favorite way to take pictures of myself while alone. It may feel weird at first, but once you get used to it, you’ll be glad that you captured the memories.

12. Have a nice meal at a restaurant

Eating alone can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! Pick a place with plenty of people around so you don’t feel too self-conscious, and enjoy some good food and drink while people-watching to your heart’s content.

Don’t be afraid to bring a book or journal if people-watching feels too awkward (see point 9 above)!

13. Attend a local festival

Attending a local festival is a great way to get a taste of the authentic culture and traditions of the place you’re visiting. You’ll get to see how the locals celebrate and have fun, and you’ll likely have the opportunity to interact with and meet new people while you’re there.

It’s typically easy to find information about festivals and events online or from tourism boards when you arrive at your destination.

14. Meet up with other solo travelers

Traveling solo means stepping out of your comfort zone. It gives you the opportunity to meet people from all over the world that you normally wouldn’t interact with.

Coffee shops, hostel pub crawls, and Facebook groups are good places to meet other solo travelers. Whether you strike up a conversation with someone sitting next to you on the plane or meet someone while exploring your destination, being open to meeting new people will make your solo travel experience all the more enriching.

niki at the beehive, lake agnes hike, banff national park, canada
Lake Agnes, Banff National Park

Best places for first-time solo travel

If you’re a first-time solo traveler, you may be wondering where you should even go in the first place. Depending on your interests, past experiences, and comfort levels, you’ll get a different answer from everyone you ask. Here are a few types of locations that are well-suited for inexperienced travelers.

Small, laid-back cities

Small cities can be a good option if you want a more relaxed atmosphere and a chance to really get to know your way around. In general, less-populated towns and cities have a slower pace of life, friendlier locals, and less crime. There may not be a big traveler scene, but they are a good way to get your feet wet.

Some examples include Aix-en-Provence, Bruges, and Kotor.

Big, tourist-friendly cities

Big cities can be overwhelming, but they’re often very well-developed for tourism and have a lot to do. You can find millions of helpful travel guides and itineraries online, making your planning process easier. They also are more likely to have a good network of public transportation, which makes it easier and cheaper to get around.

Some examples include London, Paris, New York City, and San Francisco.

Beach destinations

If you’re looking for sun, sand, and surf, a beach destination could be a great option. There are so many places around the world that boast amazing beaches, but for your first solo trip, look out for ones with a well-trodden tourist path (like Southeast Asia).

Some examples include Thailand, Bali, and the Dominican Republic.

Adventure destinations

So-called adventure destinations offer a wide variety of structured tours and group activities, making it easy to meet people as a solo traveler. They’re also good places to become more independent, step outside of your comfort zone, and see some beautiful natural wonders.

Some examples include New Zealand, Canada, and Costa Rica.

stockholm, sweden
Stockholm, Sweden

Why travel solo?

Still unsure about traveling solo? Trust me, it’s way more fun than it sounds! In fact, solo travel has a ton of benefits that you just can’t get when you’re traveling with someone else.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider taking your next trip by yourself.

You’re your own boss

One of the best things about solo travel is that you get to make all the decisions.

No more planning around someone else’s schedule or preferences — when you’re traveling by yourself, you get to do things exactly how and when you want to do them. This includes things like what time you want to wake up, where you want to eat, and what activities you want to do. And if you change your mind about something, that’s totally fine too!

With no one else to answer to, you can adjust your plans on the fly without any repercussions. You’re the boss of your trip, and that’s pretty empowering stuff.

You’ll learn independence

When you travel by yourself, everything is up to you — which means that every decision, good or bad, is also yours and yours alone! This can be both scary and exhilarating, but it’s definitely an experience that will help you learn more about who you are and what you’re capable of.

And while it’s always good to have someone watching your back, it’s also really gratifying to know that at the end of the day, you’re 100% responsible for yourself and that you can handle whatever comes your way — even if things don’t always go according to plan. After all, part of the adventure of solo travel is learning how to roll with the punches!

You can make lifelong friends

Solo travel is a great opportunity to meet new people from all over the world. The best part of being on your own is finding common ground and connecting with people quickly.

Small group tours, pub crawls, and bucket list activities are an easy way to meet up with other single travelers during your solo adventure. Group activities are a safe place to branch out and are a good way to break the ice.

The relationships you make can be totally casual or they can turn into lifelong friendships — either way, they’ll definitely enrich your solo travel experience in a way that wouldn’t be possible if you were traveling with someone else.

solo travel activities: blue lakes and tasman glacier track, aoraki mount cook national park, south island, new zealand
Blue Lakes and Tasman Glacier, New Zealand

How to stay safe when solo traveling

Although the dangers of solo travel are often overblown, it’s still important to be aware of some common-sense safety tips. Here are a few starting points:

  • Research the area you’re visiting before you go. This can help you avoid any dangerous or high-risk areas and plan your itinerary accordingly.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times. This means keeping an eye on your belongings, avoiding isolated areas, and staying alert to potential dangers.
  • Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable or uneasy, trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation.
  • Stay in touch with friends and family. Let someone back home know where you’re going and how long you’ll be there, and check in with them regularly to let them know you’re safe.
  • Keep a low profile. Avoid drawing attention to yourself by dressing modestly and avoiding flashy or expensive-looking belongings.
  • Don’t flaunt your valuables. Keep your valuables hidden and secure, and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or other valuables with you.
  • Use common sense. Follow local laws and customs, and avoid putting yourself in risky or dangerous situations.
niki at the laugarfell hike, east iceland
Laugarfell, East Iceland

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Thanks for reading this guide to the best solo travel activities! Have you ever taken a solo trip? Let me know how it went in the comments below.

xoxo Niki

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